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Phrack all issues downloader
It's a simple perl script to download all issues of phrack magazine ( http://phrack.org ). Maybe useful ;).
use LWP::Simple;
print "Welcome to phrack downloader! Process started...\n\n";
mkdir "phrack";
for ($i = 1; $i<=63; $i++)
mkdir "phrack/$i/";
print "phrack/$i/ created!\n";
$doc = get("http://phrack.org/archives/$i");
@lines = split(/\n/, $doc);
foreach $line (@lines)
if ($line !~ m/Name/ and $line =~ m/href/)
if ($line =~ m/\<a href=\"(.*?)\"\>/)
open NF, ">phrack/$i/$1";
print NF "$1\n";
$text = get("http://phrack.org/archives/$i/$1");
print NF $text;
close NF;
print "phrack/$i/$1 saved!\n";
print "\n\n";
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